The Maid of Fife-e-O
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
Roddy McCorley
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
Brennan on the Moor
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
Johnny I Hardly Knew You
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
Eileen Aroon
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
Bungle Rye
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
The Barnyards of Delgaty
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
The Castle of Dromore
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
The Work of the Weavers
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
The Month of January
Tommy Makem
The Irish Rover
Tommy Makem
Blow Ye Winds
Tommy Makem
MRS. McGrath
Tommy Makem
The Lowlands of Holland
Tommy Makem
Kitty Magee
Tommy Makem
The Little Beggarman
Tommy Makem
As I Roved Out
Tommy Makem
The Foggy Dew
Tommy Makem
Bold O'donahue
Tommy Makem
The Butcher Boy
Tommy Makem
The Connemara Cradle Song
Tommy Makem
Brennan on the Moor
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
A Jug of Punch
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
My Johnny Lad
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
The Work of the Weavers
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
Reilly's Daughter
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
The Old Orange Flute
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
Port Lairge
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
Tim Finnegan's Wake
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
The Whistling Gypsy
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
Haul Away Joe
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
Young Roddy McCorley
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
The Moonshiner
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
The Little Beggarman
Tommy Makem
The Butcher Boy
Tommy Makem
Blow Ye Winds
Tommy Makem
The Month Of January
Tommy Makem
The Lowlands Of Holland
Tommy Makem
Kitty Magee
Tommy Makem
As I Roved Out
Tommy Makem
The Foggy Dew
Tommy Makem
Mrs. McGrath
Tommy Makem
Bold O'Donahue
Tommy Makem
The Connemara Cradle Song
Tommy Makem
The Irish Rover
Tommy Makem