Kinderchor der Bayerischen Philharmonie - listen to all songs
Listen and download all songs by Kinderchor der Bayerischen Philharmonie. Free collection of music, songs and tracks from Kinderchor der Bayerischen Philharmonie - find and listen as much as you want.
Carmina Burana: Amor volat undique
Mark Mast, Bayerische Philharmonie, Junge Münchner Philharmonie, BayPhil Kids, Kinderchor der Bayerischen Philharmonie
Carmina Burana: Tempus est iocundum
Mark Mast, Bayerische Philharmonie, Junge Münchner Philharmonie, Chor der Bayerischen Philharmonie, BayPhil Kids, Kinderchor der Bayerischen Philharmo