Frontwood Joe - listen to all songs
Waiting for Daylight
Frontwood Joe
Daylight comes
Frontwood Joe
Fog starts to rise
Frontwood Joe
What happens in the fog
Frontwood Joe
Waiting what's happening
Frontwood Joe
What will we see
Frontwood Joe
Is it a tree
Frontwood Joe
Is it a roof
Frontwood Joe
The church
Frontwood Joe
Think about god
Frontwood Joe
God makes this
Frontwood Joe
My thoughts levitate
Frontwood Joe
Begin to relax
Frontwood Joe
Time flies by
Frontwood Joe
I feel the warmth
Frontwood Joe
Everything is good
Frontwood Joe
I can let go
Frontwood Joe
I feel free
Frontwood Joe
A village of stories
Frontwood Joe
Who lives there
Frontwood Joe
It doesn't matter
Frontwood Joe
Time doesn't matter
Frontwood Joe
All is fine
Frontwood Joe
Just me
Frontwood Joe
I feel great
Frontwood Joe
The sun rises
Frontwood Joe
Goodby my fog
Frontwood Joe