Michael Etherton - listen to all songs
Avinu Malkeinu
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices
Psalm 23
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices
Shomer Yisrael
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices
Tree of Life (Eitz Chayim)
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices
Dona Dona
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices
Generation To Generation (Leh'Dor Va'Dor)
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices, Yoav Oved
Sim Shalom
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices
Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices
Adon Olam (Feed The Birds)
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices, Marc Joseph
Adio Querida
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices
Uv'nucho Yomar
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices
El Melech Yoshev
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices, Marc Joseph
Veh'al Kulam
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices
Ochila la 'El
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices
Ein Keloheinu
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices
Letter From Kamilla
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices
Im Nin' alu
Michael Etherton, Mosaic Voices