Philippe Barnes - listen to all songs
Midnight Accountant
Philippe Barnes, Tom Phelan
Philippe Barnes, Tom Phelan
Clearwater Waltz
Philippe Barnes, Tom Phelan
New Kings Road/Órlaith's/New Found Out
Philippe Barnes, Tom Phelan
January Snows
Philippe Barnes, Tom Phelan
Lands End/Fisherman's Lilt/Elizabeth Kelly's
Philippe Barnes, Tom Phelan
Ali's Reel/Teampall an Ghleanntain/New Brighton Reel
Philippe Barnes, Tom Phelan
Chalice Well
Philippe Barnes, Tom Phelan
Hag at the Spinning Wheel/Phoenix
Philippe Barnes, Tom Phelan
May Morning Dew
Philippe Barnes, Tom Phelan
Philippe Barnes, Tom Phelan