Boris Rubaschkin Chor, Balalaïka Ensemble, Peter u. Paul Chor St. Petersburg, Gerhard Dickel, Walerij Starodubzew, Elena Iwanowa
Lënka Korolëv
Alessio Lega
Alessio Lega
Om maani padme hum, Otchi Manla örshäthä (Prayer to Buddha of Medicine)
Tatiana Dordzhieva, Maria Beltsykova, Maria Beltsykova, Tatiana Dordzhieva
Sevastopol will Not Fall!
Plamenev, Alexandr Tevelev
Kalinka Medley for Babies
Felix Pando, Galina Baida
Les Choeurs de l'Armée Rouge MVD
Behind the Horizon
Le son monotone de la cloche
L'Ensemble Assya-Kya
When Death Is Watching Me
Song for Alexandra
Francis Goya
Shen Gigalobt
Rustavi Choir
The Eeria
La Minor
Romantic Russia
Samovar Russian Folk Music Ensemble
To Nye Veter
Samovar Russian Folk Music Ensemble
Zwei Gitarren
Don Kosaken Chor Serge Jaroff
The Red Sarafan
Helmut Zacharias and His Orchestra
Suite moldave
Samson Galperin et son orchestre
Svetilen. "Chertog tvoy"
Serge Jaroff
Roule tes flots, fougueux Dniepr
Alexandr Sveshnikov, Alexandr Sveshnikov, Chœur de la Radio d'État d'URSS, Chœur de la Radio d'État d'URSS
Tôt, très tôt
Fedor Patorjinsky Choir, Fedor Patorjinsky, Fedor Patorjinsky Choir, Fedor Patorjinsky
Songe d'automne
Orchestre de balalaïka Saint-Georges
Variaciones Sobre "Los Buhoneros"
Orquesta Nacional
Athos Bassissi
Noch' Pered Bitvoj
Le vieux tilleul
Sveshnikov State Academic Russian Choir, Alexandr Sveshnikov, Sveshnikov State Academic Russian Choir, Alexandr Sveshnikov, Fedor Mamentov, Fedor Mame
Bransle De Bourgogne
Lity Taler
Kalinka folk music and words
Time for Tea
Fadi Gaziri
Vladimir Denissenkov
Ballad of Prince Oleg
Konevets Quartet
Der klagende Engel
Boris Rubaschkin Chor, Balalaïka Ensemble, Peter u. Paul Chor St. Petersburg, Gerhard Dickel, Walerij Starodubzew, Elena Iwanowa
Canzone dei ragazzi dell'Arbat
Alessio Lega
Rose Marie Polka
Orchestre Ray Bells
Sivrin dun (Song about Deportation to Siberia)
Tatiana Dordzhieva, Maria Beltsykova, Maria Beltsykova, Tatiana Dordzhieva
Sevastopol will Not Fall!
Plamenev, Vladimir Kornienko
Dark Turn
Anton Neusinger
Those Were the Days
The Red Army Choir MVD
Tales of Wanderings
Je vais sortir dans la rue
L'Ensemble Assya-Kya
Dance, Dance
How can't we live without each other
Francis Goya
Khasan Begura
Rustavi Choir
Siberian Reggae
Ikaro Valderrama
V Posledniy Raz
Raduga, Second Hand Band